reported by our Roving Eye: Angie and Beth, congrats on your threeyear anniversary, and Angie's recent acceptance to Case Med. School. Speaking of anniversaries, Isis uns the host of a wedding reception last week, but the brides disappeared before the cake was cut. Sue and Luba are still a hot item, seen regularly several nights a week with plenty of Bacardi & Cokes and plenty of hot dance steps. Their friend Olga is working on her high score on the Ms. Pac-Man machine, while Mikki observes from the corner. Patty seems to have jilted Me. Pac-Man for Ladybug. Wonder whose piggy bank sha'al dipping into for all these quarters? Judy is back from her second (or was it third?) vacation, and hor friend Gail made the pages of 2-Trash, a dubious accomplishment. Monica and Cheryl are still pouring mean drinks, and Rita, our favorite security guard, takes advantage of this one on her nights off. (Love those leopard skins!.) And finally, a special off-the-wall message for Rs if you're looking for the source of your troubles with S, botter look in your own back yard. Or nore specifically, in the back of the bar.

Bye-bye. Girls! See you in the next issue of ACTION.



The highly successful Summerfest extravaganza co-sponsored by ACTION magazine and the Stallions will be held at the parking lot next to Exedre on East 18th Street, Saturday and Sunday (Labor Day weekend). There will be live shows, art sales, mud wrestling, boot, food and games. On Saturday Sept.4, Divine, star of stage and scroon, will do a show sonoties after 11pm. Sunday Sept. 5th, Summerfest 82 will feature the talented 3.3. Van Dyck and Michael Leo in a late show, The gates open at 4pm, with a full schedule of activities. Be sure to get there early to insure yourself a good parking spot.


Divine, truly the "all-around" performer of the 80's! Although frequently described by the media as a female inpersonator, transvestite, or "drag queen," he is none of these. Divine, over the past 10 years, has become the most successful screen and stage actor specialIzing in female roles and now one of the world's most popular celebrities.

In 1971, Divine achieved overnight notoriety with his highly acclaimed portrayal of "the filthiest person in the world" in John Waters' movie, "Pink Flamingos." Divine had previously made several short novies with director/producer Waters among them "Eat Your Makeup" and "Mondo Trasho"--and the team had another enormous cult success in 1974 with "Female Trouble."

In 1980, John Waters created the first film in Odorana, "Polyester," In which he co-starred Divine with the movies "golden boy" of the 50's, Tab Hunter! "Polyester" received its World Premier at the '81 Cannes Film Festival and, since then, has earned rave notices for Divine around the world.

Divine appeared in a stage production Ton Eyen's "Women Behind Bars" in '75, repeating his offBroadway triumph the following year In London's West End. Eyen Immediately wrote a sequel for Divine -"The Neon Woman" and the '78/79 tour of this hilarious spoof firmly established him as a popular stage actor in addition to his huge screen following.

Until 1979, it could be said that Divine had become a major cult star, adored by his fans, but virtually unknown to the rest of the world. However, the past three years have seen Divine growing into nothing less than a household name across the States and throughout Europe. Television interviews

and appearances on such talk shows es NDC's "Tomorrow" (with Tom Snyder), "Late-Night" (with David Letterman), and ABC's "Good Morning, New York" have brought the image of a serious, professional, and dedi cated actor to millions of homes.

Two years ago, Divine made his first disca 45-RPM single entitled "Born to be Cheap," written for him by Tom Eyen and Henry Kreiger (the successful, creative partnership of Braodway's "Dreamgirls"). However, it was not until this year that Divine really became a recording star! His 12-inch disco single, "Native Love," written and produced by Bobby Orlando for "O" Records and Visuals and distributed by Vanguard, reached No. 21 on Billboard's disco charts and remained on the charts for 20 weeks. It has become one of the most popular dance records in clubs, and Divine has been very busy recently performing his hit together with an outrageous act of comedy and other songs In such famous clubs as New York's Red Parrot, Hollywood's Palladium, Fort Lauderdale's Copa, Boston's-Pipeline, New York's La Cage Aux Folles, San Francisco's Trocadéro Transfer, London's Heaven, and Paris' Le Palace. Divine is now one of the most successful and sought-after club entertainers in America.

And the future? The fall of 182 will see Divine's career move in many different directions. "Native Love: The Album" will be released by "O" Records in September, followed by St. Martins Press publication of the Simply Divine Cut-Out Doll Book!

Divine has been cast for a leading role in the new Hollywood movie musical, "Beverly Hills," in which he will play an ill-tempered, old man, and he is working with John Xaters to star in the producer's next movie, due in 1983, in which Divine will play triplets TWO sisters and a brother!

"The Thorn," a stage musical writ ten for Divine by Steve Brown and

Alan Marken and to be produced by Civine's personal manager, Bernard Jay, is scheduled to open in the winter of 182 in the United States and then head for an internationa! tour to include Africa, Europe, and Australia before finally playing Broadway. The show is des cribed as "the biography of a rock superstar of the highest magnitude and the lowest morals!"

with all this, together with the continuing, best-selling line of Divine Greeting Cards published by Exposed Cards, the ever-populer Divine T-shirts around the world, and his plans to take his nightclub act to Las Vegas and host a cable TV rock show, Divine should truly deserve the title of "Superstar of

the 80's."


The North Coast Bouling Association is about to begin it's second bowling season on the 19th of September. This year the league is expanding to 30 or 36 teams which will be sponsored by Cleveland area Gay businesses. Anyone wishing to join the league is asked to contact their favorite Gay establishment as soon as possible as the deadline for signing up is September 6th.